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Frequently Asked Questions

It's a fully free unlimited buy and sells ads posting India's No.1 Classified Portal. A buyer does not have to pay to get the contact details of any seller. A seller can manage all their posts easily.

Once you submit your post, it will be visible to all the buyers on the portal. You will get a call on your given number at the time of registration or you will get an mail on your given email Id.

NPX card is for business dealers, like those who deal in property cars bikes furniture etc. Once you have it you can share that NPX card with anyone digitally, or even you can print them as a physical visiting card.

Register on NayaPurana.in ➤ Login to your account ➤ Go to My Profile ➤ Click on 'Dealer - Create your page' ➤ Submit your details in opened form ➤ Thats all, When you go back to your My Profile page, you can see your NPX Card. Now you can download for free and enjoy sharing with your customers.

NayaPurana.in is India's No.1 Classified Portal. We only serve all over India, covering all pin codes. You can find your location on the top of the page header by typing pincode, area name, city name, and state name.

You may have forgotten your credentials, if so we can help you by getting your credentials on your recovery email ID. You will find the 'Forgot Password' link on the Login page. If that does not work, it may be your account has been suspended for illegal activity. You can mail us at support@nayapurana.in for any issue you face.